What is a healing crisis?

What is a healing crisis?

June 30, 20242 min read

A healing crisis is a situation in which, in order to heal, the body temporarily amplifies the symptoms it produces to get rid of toxins.

Because most people judge their health by how they feel, they think that the natural cure they are currently undergoing will be detrimental if a healing crisis is triggered in the body, but this is far from the truth. The condition occurs when the body 'searches behind' old injuries, wounds, inflammations and other inconsistencies, and is very important for effective natural and deep healing. Although it can be unpleasant, it is a positive sign that the body is trying to heal itself. 

A healing crisis often brings old illnesses to the surface, as the body begins to remove toxins that were stored in the disease process. The symptoms can be even more pronounced when the body begins to deal with a latent hepatitis, viral infection, pneumonia or shingles. You can support your body in this process by drinking plenty of fluids (especially water) to speed up the elimination of toxins and getting plenty of rest - mentally, emotionally and physically. It's also a good idea to review your diet and remove sugars, processed carbohydrates and grains and replace them with plenty of roots, fruit and protein. 

A healing crisis can be called many different things: a healing reaction, a detox reaction, a Herxheimer reaction, a Jarisch-Heimer reaction, a reverse process, a Lucio Phenomenon, a cleansing reaction or simply a crisis. 

Examples of the main symptoms include headache, fever, nausea, unusual weakness, insomnia or excessive drowsiness, depression, muscle cramps and aches, diarrhoea, hot/cold flushes, night sweats and other signs of flu and colds. 

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