Hello, I´m Heidi. 

Energetic entrepreneur, adventure-lover, mum of four wonderful kids, author, healer, empath, podcaster, and online educator.

Before we go further…

Build a Life and Business You Love. Get your business off the ground, achieve your goals and kick-start the life you want. I’ll provide you with the personal accountability and support that you need.

Will you choose to claim your destiny? Don’t wait until you’re READY to start really living. We never quite think we’re ready. The truth is, we have more power than we think. But nothing happens until we decide to use it.

 Go out and make the world what you want.

I passionately believe that everyone (yes, YOU!) can create steady passive income and reclaim your life, sanity, and time by using the knowledge and expertise you already have – so your content goes to work while you sleep.

 Discover the power of your own energy and presence . . .

 You can ALWAYS change and get to a different or better place. My special gift is giving clients a sense of all that is possible. I love what I do. Why wouldn't you? Why shouldn't you? Take your rightful place on the world stage as the star in your field.

No limits. No waiting. No excuses.

There’s untapped potential in  you and in your business. But creating a passive income stream through courses and videos can feel risky. You probably wonder if you have what it takes. Like doubting if you can reach the right audience. If your course will sell, really sell to make to make the income you desire. And you may even doubt if you have the personality to put yourself out there, front and center on your brand. These are all valid concerns . . . and I have the strategies to go from fear to confidence. BTW, if you’re hesitant or even scared to put yourself out there, you’re not alone! You might be surprised to find that even as a former television reporter, I’m an introvert – and YES! – us introverts can shine and take center stage. No matter where you are in your journey, now is the time to harness your fears, leverage your expertise, and portray yourself authentically to take advantage of the wealth of passive income opportunities.

Automating my business my membership and courses has helped me to create a life I love and be there for my son and care for my family. It’s helped me to live MORE, work LESS!  I'm all about Living MORE, working LESS! And I'm on a mission to help you turn your know-how into a digital course and make money while you sleep!I’ve even broken down my best tips in my book, Introvert to Extravert. And now I’m helping others do exactly that. We deserve the time to be with those with love and create a life we love…

Let's set up a date to chat! (book a call)

Topics I Discuss



What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us




Obstacles are the things we see when we take our eyes off our goals.



Saying something that sounds good but that does not differentiate the brand in a meaningful way.



Self-confidence grows not from what you can do, but what you know you can do.


Self Improvement

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it


Self Awareness

Self-awareness gives you the capacity to learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. It enables you to keep growing.



Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.


Life Skills

I love to walk through snow, to climb mountains, to smell the fresh air and I love to dream about flying.

Resources for you
podcast, blog, workbooks

spiritual guidance, straight talk, and transformational methods to change your life


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Read Blog

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What people say

“Heidi is an exceptionally giving and inspiring coach full of endless information. Her energy is full of boundless love and her positivity is infectious. You cannot resist – and nor should you want to – her power to transform.”


“Thank you Heidi! You do have a beautiful energy. Your course your course is inspiring. Would love my energy to be read. 💙”


"Oh Heidi thank you for everything for you providing to us 🙂 ❤ Reading my energy will be amazing. You re blessing 🙂"


"Just watched the video. For me it is defenetly that it is ok to be rejected. Loved your explanation 🙂 I would love a reading aswell Heidi Plumberg Thank you for this course! 🙂"


“Thank you Heidi! You do have a beautiful energy. Your course your course is inspiring. Would love my energy to be read. 💙”


"Oh Heidi thank you for everything for you providing to us 🙂 ❤ Reading my energy will be amazing. You re blessing 🙂"


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